Glen Lake Chamber of Commerce

Ramp up for the season // How to use your Chamber Membership benefits…

woman surfing on apple laptop

Maximize your marketing potential to reach visitors of Glen Arbor with these suggested Glen Lake Chamber member benefits:

1. Get your employment opportunities listed online.
This is a free service to Members, just email Raquel the available position(s), a job description, contact info/how to apply, plus a logo or photograph to pair. 

2. Claim your ad space in our monthly email newsletters, seen by thousands. 

Place an Ad in our Emails with your desired Ad Graphic + your name and website link. Your ad will be included into BOTH emails that get sent out to each of our two lists. We accept up to 3 “Sponsors” for each newsletter. 

Ad space is $100 per Ad/per month, which gets you into both emails that month. Months, especially Spring – Fall book out quickly. Reserve your space ahead of time.

1. Request the month(s) you want to place an Ad in; 2. Email Larry, our Treasurer at: He will reply with confirmation of your Ad placement and an invoice. 3. Inquire about your AD DESIGN by emailing Raquel, our Marketing Coordinator at:

3. Become a “Featured Member” with a premium spot on the homepage remains a primary online resource for travelers planning their trip to the Sleeping Bear Dunes, Glen Arbor and the surrounding area. Advertising in the “Featured Members” area on the homepage allows a business to be seen right away. Learn more about advertising. 

  • Available to Chamber Members only
  • April – October at a rate of $175.00/month (Maximum 2 months during this period in a year)
  • November – March at a rate $100.00/mo. No maximum during this period.
  • Up to 6 members can be featured at any one time.

4. Share your Special Offers & Rates ~ Not just for places to stay! 
FREE to Members, just email Raquel your special offers or rates, viewed by community members and people planning their trip. Whether it’s a mid-week special, happy hour or discount on a vacation rental, let us know! We’re here to help.

See current specials now. Email Raquel your special to get it added to this page.

5. Hosting a community event(s)? 
Whether virtual or in-person, make sure to have someone in your business or organization post any public events to our popular online community calendar. Events can be submitted anytime, simply by filling out this online form

Becoming a member of the Glen Lake Chamber supports the marketing of this beautiful area and allows us to support various community events and endeavors. Our organization is committed to sharing current information about our members, businesses and the area, through: regular website maintenance, social media sharing and monthly email newsletters.

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