As of January 2023, we are pleased to welcome some new officers and a board member to the Glen Lake Chamber of Commerce.
With the retiring of our Treasurer and Secretaty Larry & Patricia, and the unexpected passing of our beloved President Kathy Baarstad, there were some vacancies to fill! We are so grateful for the experience and unique backgrounds of each community member who volunteers to serve or organization.

Welcome new Chamber President, Stephen Brotschul of Broomstack Kitchen & Taphouse, and Co-President Darci Ricker of Glen Lodge and Glen Arbor Wines. Dotti Thompson of Grandpa’s Place will be stepping in as Treasurer with assistance provided by Nancy Miller, Devette & Ford Insurance Agency, and Mara Miller of Leelanau Coffee Roasting Co. will be our new recording Secretary. Plus, Rebecca Benedict, Executive Assistant at Cherry Republic, has joined our Board of Directors.
Continuing their terms on the Board of Directors is Katy Wiesen of Crystal River Outfitters Recreational District, Brooke Hazael-Massieux of La Becasse, Lizzie Gray of Cottonseed, Kaitlyn Springsdorf of M22 Glen Arbor, TJ Shimek of Serbin Real Estate. Marketing services for the Glen Lake Chamber will continue to be provided by Raquel Jackson of Rockwell Art & Design and Jackson Station Livestock.