The Leelanau Enterprise is the voice of Leelanau County, serving as the official medium for local government, an outlet for the county’s four public and seven non-public schools and the place sought by residents and visitors for news and views of Michigan’s “Little Finger” Peninsula. The newspaper enjoys a paid circulation list of about 8,000.
Mail subscribers receive The Enterprise on Thursdays, while it’s available at newsstands late Wednesday afternoon.
Enterprise Printing is a full-service printing company serving Leelanau County from its production facility in Lake Leelanau. It is housed in the same building as the Leelanau Enterprise, producing a wide variety of quality products and services printed on our web, sheetfed and digital presses. We offer a complete, in-house design department, and full-service bindery services operated by our knowledgeable staff.
Our new digital press allows us to print and address mail pieces in one pass. This combination saves you time and money. Also, we assist customers with their mailings and offer use of our bulk mail permit.
We provide free delivery to all of Leelanau and Grand Traverse counties.
From design to delivery, simple to sophisticated, one color to full color, Enterprise Printing is the one stop in Leelanau County to fulfill your printed products and services needs.
Printing, Contact Ken Lorincz