The Glen Lake Woman’s Club (GLWC) is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports social, civic and educational projects.
Meetings are held at noon on the first Wednesday of each month at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in Empire. Meetings begin with a shared luncheon time with hostesses providing dessert and beverages, followed by a short business meeting and educational program.
The Glen Lake Woman’s Club is best known for hosting the annual GLWC Art Fair held the third Wednesday in July. All proceeds from the Art Fair are awarded to Glen Lake High School Seniors attending Northwestern Michigan College.
The Club also manages the improvement, beautification, and usage of the Chapel at Old Settlers Picnic Grounds in Glen Arbor and organizes the 4 th of July Flag Raising Ceremony held on the grounds each year. The Club also supports other community events with a focus on those that directly benefit local youth.
When the GLWC was first chartered in 1937, members adopted the slogan, “If you wish to live in a better place, better the place in which you live.” This slogan still guides the mission and activities of the Club. All women are encouraged to attend the Club meetings and join in supporting their local community.
For more information about visiting or joining, please contact: Kathy Cole, President: (262) 914-1889 or email at: Some meetings are held off-site, so call to make a reservation as a guest and receive a location confirmation.
More information about the Glen Lake Woman’s Club can be found at or on Facebook @glwcartfair