The Glen Arbor Arts Center presents “Romancing the Heartland: American Regionalism,” a visual exploration of the work of the Regionalists, a uniquely American art movement that flourished in the years between the world wars. This brown bag art history presentation is Wednesday, October 17, noon at the GAAC, 6031 S. Lake St., Glen Arbor. Linda Young,
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts Director of Museum Education [retired], leads this hour-long survey.
Part of a larger movement, the American Scene painters, American Regionalism focused on scenes of rural America — even as that way of life was fast disappearing. Not being part of a coordinated movement, Regional artists depicted and struck themes of rural conservation. Presented as part of the GAAC’s exhibition agriCULTURE: Barnyards and Farmscapes, Linda Young’s talk will highlight the work of Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry and others.
Admission is $10 for GAAC members, $15 for nonmembers.
Please register in advance: agriCULTURE is supported in part by the Michigan Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.