The “Little Artists” program returns for October 2018! Each session is geared towards pre-school age children and includes interactive, process-based projects that nurture natural creativity. Each session starts with a short discussion, a story, and then an interactive, hands-on project. Parents and children will work together to make and take home amazing art each week.
October “Little Artists” classes are on Fridays, October 5, 12, and 26 from 9:30 am – 11:00 am. Each class is 90 minutes, and begins with a theme-setting story told by instructor Michele Aucello and includes a small snack.
“Little Artists” is a drop-in program costing $15 per child/adult, and $5 for any additional children. Non-participating infants less than 1 year are welcome at no charge. For additional information, please call the GAAC at 231/334-6112
Michelle Aucello is an educator with 26 years of experience. Michelle taught first and second grade in Honolulu, Hawaii for 13 years as well as classes on Early Literacy at the University of Hawaii. Michele also worked with Honolulu Family Magazine as a contributor, blogging about food and crafts and providing educational tips for parents. In 2017 Michelle successfully developed a new program for the GAAC called Little Artists which explores creative projects for preschool children and their parents/caregivers.