Dune Dash – Saturday, August 15
Want to help, but don’t want to run/walk at the Dune Dash? No Problem –
We need volunteers to help at registration and as route marshals. Here is the contact info if you can help out: www.dunedash.com, or contact TART Trails at info@traversetrails.org or 231-941-4300.
Traverse Area Recreation and Transportation Trails (TART), Inc. is a proud partner of the 4th annual Dune Dash, a 4-mile run/walk along the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail (SBHT), to be held at 9 a.m. this Saturday, August 15, 2015 at the Sleeping Bear Dune Climb. The course showcases the trail, which opened during summer of 2012 within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.
The Dune Dash is organized by the creators of the Zombie Run, with support from the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and TART Trails. According to Matt Ross, the founder and coordinator of the event, “If you are not familiar with the SBHT, participating in the Dune Dash is the perfect time to experience and support the trail.”
The event is on as scheduled despite last Sunday’s storm which knocked down hundreds of trees and rendered the trail impassable. The Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes volunteer crews have been working with National Parks Service all week to clear the trail. The run/walk starts and finishes at the Dune Climb and follows the flat paved trail, passing by rolling sand dunes and scenic forest before turning around near Glen Haven. The only stretch of the SBHT that remains closed is between Glen Haven and Glen Arbor which will not affect the event.
All registered participants will receive a t-shirt, professionally timed results, and refreshments. Awards will be given to the top three male and female finishers, and age-group winners. Packet pick up and late registration will be held on Friday, August 14th from 5pm-7pm at the Filling Station Microbrewery in Traverse City. There will be no day of registration (In accordance to federal law, day of registration cannot take place within the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore.) Registration ranges from $15-30 per person based on age and prices go up $5 after Thursday, August 13th.
Proceeds from the event support the continued development of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail. The event has raised $7,500 to date for trail support. For more information on the Dune Dash visit www.dunedash.com, or contact TART Trails at info@traversetrails.org or 231-941-4300