How can creativity help one navigate the experience of caregiving for other humans? The Glen Arbor Arts Center’s HeARTful Care: Nurturing the Caregiver’s Soul Through Art is the second in a series of Creative Wellness retreats focused on increasing wellness through art practice. This retreat occurs on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 9 am – to 5 pm at Pine Street Studios, next door to GAAC. The cost is $175, including all materials, instruction, breakfast, and lunch. Pre-registration is required as space is limited to 12 participants. This workshop is intended for adults ages 26 and older.
This full-day retreat provides a supportive, creative space for adults to examine and process their caregiving experience for other humans. This retreat is not about caring for a patient or loved one. Instead, it provides creative coping skills for the caregiver to care for themselves while caring for someone. It gives you communication and self-care tips to focus on your needs while helping your loved one. It includes facilitation by a licensed therapist and three workshops led by professional teaching artists. Workshops include playful, creative explorations, learning to create and keep a visual journal, and vibrational sound immersion.
HeARTful Care: Nurturing the Caregiver’s Soul Through Art is the second in a series of new retreats GAAC offers. The goal is to provide participants with tools to engage in creative practice to improve wellness. Visit for details and to learn more. Go to to learn more. The GAAC is located at 6031 S. Lake St., Glen Arbor.