If you’re a boater, you can join in on the boat parade 4th of July evening on Glen Lake beginning at 4pm in front of the Yacht Club.
Want a front row seat at the parade? Volunteer! We always need as many parade volunteers as possible.
Volunteers can pick up a parade t-shirt at Art’s Tavern the week prior to the 4th. Bring your own broom to help walk with the parade and sweep the candy back towards the crowd, to keep kids off the street and safe.
Want to participate in the parade? Everyone is welcome! Bikers (kids and families) and Walkers can join in the parade starting at the Christian Science Church. Cars and Floats participating in the parade, please meet at Glen Haven to line up 45 min prior to the parade start time. The parade begins at Noon.
Most shops and restaurants are open part of the day for you! Please make sure to come to town early to park and enjoy shopping the lovely retailers and art galleries. Whether you’ll end up back where you’re staying or head back home, there’s a beach or lake or trail for you to enjoy some outdoor recreation the remainder of the holiday.