Glen Lake Chamber of Commerce

Escape to Glen Lake | Art poster Series

We’re running a series of posters, developed by our 2016 Chamber Marketing Committee.

Thank you (Angela Brown of LVR, Brook of La Becasse, Jamie Jewell of the Homestead, Bob Ashmun of Ashmun Portrait Art, and Jeff Gietzen of Northwoods Hardware) for our many brainstorm sessions held at LVR around the conference table over Angela’s cookies. The group collectively dreamt up this concept as a way to promote the places to see and many things to do that uniquely represent our greater Glen Lake area that includes Glen Arbor, the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Empire, Burdickville, The Narrows, and even stretching to Maple City. After the concept was completed, the poster design/layout was done by Raquel of Rockwell Art & Design. The campaign is also being used as a part of print ads and online promotion, in the GL Chamber’s advertising efforts.

Photographic images are still being collected, taken or submitted for future poster designs in the series. Feel free to email us your high resolution images and you may get your photo selected to be a part of this poster series! Each photo will be “stylized” using a graphic design technique, to give the image a “painted” retro feel.

Below is one of the first released in the new poster series, titled “Independence Day” to represent the 4th of July celebrations, highlighting the parade in Glen Arbor. This photo was provided by a local, Don Miller.

Poster Series_Escape to Glen Lake_4th of July-01

The series is designed to capture the many things about the Glen Lake area that make it special for residents and visitors alike. The things that make us literally “Escape” when we take in the natural beauty around Glen Lake. The posters will capture the essence of both “Points of Interest” that you must go to or see when you’re here and also the many “Things to Do” that highlight the variety of recreation. The top priorities on our list include •Hiking/Trails •Fall Colors/Wine Tour/Scenic Drives •Pierce Stocking •Heritage Trail •4th of July •Winter Recreation and •Summer Time. And there’s more on the list too.

The Glen Lake Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the first two 18×24″ Art Posters have been printed and are available. They are also available through Jeff Gietzen at Northwoods Hardware for pick up and distribution. The posters can be displayed inside and out – we’ll have exterior building acrylic holders to show off the image on the outside of your shop or home, so you may change out the poster with the next one, year round. They may also be displayed in your own frame/holder on an interior wall or window, as an art piece to proudly represent the area. Rolled up posters in sleeves will also be sold in retail. The retail price will be $15.

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Posters for sale at…

Northwoods Home & Gift

The Cottage Book Shop

Escape to Glen Lake_Vintage style Art Posters for Sale_by Rockwell Design for Glen Lake Chamber copy

Contact Us

Contact Jeff or Raquel if you’d like to display these art pieces on the interior or exterior of your business and/or sell the poster at a location. Extras will be kept at Northwoods Hardware. We will wholesale them to any interested member or party!

Raquel |  Jeff |

Photo Request

Images desired:
1. The ultimate Fall Color/Recreation image either touring colors along M-22 or another Iconic scenic drive
2. The Heritage Trail/Biking in our area. Faces not the focus, but someone or a group/family using the trail. 
3. Snowshoeing or Cross Country skiing. Must include something in the image that identify’s it as our area, and doesn’t look like it could be just anywhere. 

To submit: 
1. Your images must be a high resolution (300 dpi) jpg, and be in Portrait (Vertical) Orientation
2. Email your images and name to credit to Raquel Jackson:
If selected, your name will be included in print on the poster. 

Keep one foot in Glen Arbor

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